Its original name was Ellis Kadoorie School For Indians. Ellis Kadoorie set it up, an Indian Parsee who was later awarded knighthood. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu language

文理書院(香港)由一群香港大學畢業生於一九六二年創辦;早期為獨立私校,校址在銅鑼灣電氣道金殿大廈二樓;六七年遷至灣仔萬茂徑;一九七零及一九七四年分別在九龍新蒲崗及香港柴灣興建獨立校舍。一九八二年港九兩校已全面轉為津貼中學。 抱負(Vision) 我校矢志成為一所不斷追求卓越、自我完善的中學,培育富有才幹、知識、愛心及責任感的年青人。 We aim to be a school which con

Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

Our courses are designed according to the toddlers’ age and their level of development. We aim to stimulate their interests in learning through different games and by allowing them to be active

堅守基督教全人教育方針,協助學生培養基督化的品格,確保學生在靈.智.體三方面得以均衡發展,在追求人生意義,造福人群上得到充分體驗. our mission is to provide a christian holistic education to assure a balanced spiritual,intellectual,physical and social decelopment

Open Parties是以甜品為主題的party room,場地提供免費Wifi,所有飲品免費任飲,VR設施需預約。如需包全場可將三間房間合併,包場最少40人起,場地設有露台。

總佔地約4600呎,分別為3400呎室內空間及1200呎露天平台。室內空間罕有地採用北歐華麗裝修風格, 劃分為3個房間及一個共享區域,共可容納160人。

Children Workshop offers high standard extra-curricular classes in art, English, dance and playgroup. The team of passionate highly qualified teachers provide an engaging educational experience in eve

Seaview Viva是全新裝修的Party Room及拍攝場地,於市場上極為罕有,座擁180度無敵維港海景,擁有全景式廣角落地玻璃,環迴飽覽維港兩岸日夜美景、日落景、煙花景,鄰近觀塘郵輪碼頭,遠眺對岸港島東、中、西區。

高空露台BBQ邊爐, 室內連露台約650呎場地,可容納12至20人,露台特設美式BBQ爐,適合各種派對及私人聚會。

大角咀Party Room 家居風格 靚景自然光 快d尼預約啦~歡迎DM查詢/預約 太子地鐵站🚉 7分鐘路程 埸內設備包括: 📺55‘高清電視(配音響設備+4枝咪) 🀄️自動麻雀枱 🃏大量Board Games 🎲骰盅&啤牌 🎮Switch 各款遊戲 | 月光寶盒 📺電視有提供(NetFlix) *提供Wifi 、充電等服務🔋

📢勁方便旺角市中心、最多可容納12-18人、350呎工業敘利亞水泥石風Party Room 同Shisha Lounge🎉 全港獨一無二打卡石牆;個性霓虹燈;節日佈置;;獨立廁所;環境開揚 多窗;24小時自助check in;勁方便旺角市中心;設bar 枱(調酒用具)、雪櫃、棉花糖及爆谷機;大量熱門Board games,switch(多款熱門遊戲),睇電影 ;食過反尋味Shisha
c消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地cloudbaselimited

We are the best company for Satta Matka Development. We provide Satta Matka Game Development on both platforms. Mumbai Starline, King Bazar, and Gali Disawar games are there.
a設計 / 網頁設計anamikaartis123

經驗豐富, 我們的客戶是來自10+國家的領先國際企業及律師事務所(包括亞洲, 歐洲, 美洲, 大洋洲)。極具競爭力的價格, 可以節省50-80%成本。極具效率, 即日回覆。服務質素保證, 案件由中國專利師處理(包括案件行政工作)。香港知識產權專家-專注服務香港知識產權保護。
a商業 / 顧問admin

The Satta Matka betting game is one of the most popular games in India. It was very popular in the 1950s and the 1990s. Nowadays, it is a popular online as well. Nowadays, we can play every game on ou
a設計 / 網頁設計artinandni33

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